The Last Time Change?

Caption: Each spring in the US, the clock moves forward an hour, and every fall, the clocks go back an hour. Congress is discussing potentially getting rid of the bill again. (Photo courtesy of public domain)

The clocks moved forward an hour this past weekend on March 12, 2023 for potentially the last time ever. 

Ever since a bill in 1918 introduced the idea of seasonal time shifts, there have been two time changes each year in the United States.

The Sunshine Protection Act is a bill that ends daylight saving in the US. Although it passed unanimously in the Senate, the bill stayed in the House. On March 2, 2023, Senate Rubio reintroduced the bill, but there is no certainty whether it will pass once it returns to the Congress’s discretion. 

According to Anne Buckle, a timeanddate researcher, cons of daylight savings include that it leads to increased artificial light usage, and changes in humans arithmetic clocks that can lead to illness. 

Only 70 of the 195 countries in the world utilize daylight savings. More specifically, the US is one of the only countries remaining in the world in which the entire nation still participates in the biannual event. 

Aside from the obvious downside of losing an hour of sleep once a year, Leesville students notice other effects of “springing forward” and “falling back.”

Braxton Lassiter, junior, doesn’t necessarily care about losing an hour of sleep, because in return, he gets an extra hour of sunshine. “You can do so much more with your day when you have more daylight time. I want it to be like this all the time,” said Lassiter.

Lassiter, along with Elisio Torres-Coleman, junior, would prefer to keep the clocks how they are now all year long. “I’m okay with getting rid of the time change, to be honest, I don’t know why they even created it in the first place,” said Torrez. 

No one can predict the success of the Sunshine Protection Act the second time around, but if the Act were to potentially pass in the upcoming year, Leessville students would not be opposed.


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