LRHS Chess Club Hosts First Ever In-House Chess Tournament

The LRHS Chess Club is hosting an in-house chess tournament during January and February this 2022-2023 school year.

The LRHS Chess Club is a relaxed club where people who like chess come together to discuss and play the game for fun with lighthearted competition. 

On January 25, 2023, the LRHS Chess Club held the first round of its first chess tournament. The tournament was made up of students within the club who wanted to participate.

On normal occasions, students in the chess club play casual chess with each other with no predetermined pairings involved. However, for the first round of the tournament, the club paired together students so that every student played against someone close to their own skill level.

Ken Ishii, junior, said, “[Compared to normal occasions] we were able to be a little more competitive and we were able to see… who can beat each other… [we were able to] showcase, like, the skill levels of each other, if that makes sense.”

The first round of the tournament took place during the club’s regular, bi-weekly meeting. Students came to the meeting, ate some snacks, sat down in their pairings, and then played a chess game. After their game, students recorded the result on a list posted on the Promethean board.

After students were done with the first round, they relaxed and played chess casually with other students.

“[The tournament] was really fun,” said Christian Velazquez, junior. “It was cool to actually like play across the board with somebody, cause that’s not [what] I usually get.”

One response to “LRHS Chess Club Hosts First Ever In-House Chess Tournament”

  1. Riveting. Give this man a raise.

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