On December 4, the Leesville Road High School Jewish Culture club posted a picture telling the public about the interest meeting on Wednesday, December 7. A total of six people attended the interest meeting. (Photo Courtesy of Ben Taylor)

Jewish Culture Club

Over the past year, antisemitism has been on the rise Shir Inbari has created a club where Jewish people can feel safe — the Jewish Culture Club. 

“[The] goal of the club is to teach people about Judaism and share Jewish traditions with others. We will have meetings once a month on Wednesdays and celebrate the Jewish holidays by baking Jewish foods and learning about the history of the holiday,” said Shir Inbari.

Ms. Shwinger is the advisor to the new club. 

“We plan to meet once a month around the holidays to make Jewish foods. Since she is a foods teacher, we have a room for it. Just learning about Jewish culture and play games,” said Inbari.

“I don’t know many different sects of the religion (judaism). Most of my experience is with Reform Jews, and it would be nice to meet more Consertive and Orthodox Jews,” said Brandon Hirsh,sophomore. 

Christopher Pharr is a student at Leesville who is not Jewish but is still interested in joining the Jewish Culture club.

“I want to expand my cultural knowledge about many different things. I want to become more worldly. It is good brain food,” said Pharr 

“[I’m excited to] meet new people with differing life experiences from me,”said Pharr.

During the interest meeting, there were 6 people who are all very eager for more people to come and grow the club. The president had set up a game of dreidel and all members were invited to play.

The Interest meeting was 12/7/22.

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