The first week of November includes a teacher work day on Friday. During the following week, there are 3 days off, a vacation, an early release, and a holiday. The third week of November is a regular school week. In the final week there are another 3 days off due to Thanksgiving. Many Leesville students…

How Leesville Feels About Having Many Days Off In November 

The first week of November includes a teacher work day on Friday. During the following week, there are 3 days off, a vacation, an early release, and a holiday. The third week of November is a regular school week. In the final week there are another 3 days off due to Thanksgiving.

Many Leesville students are excited about the 6 and a half days off in the month. They believe it provides a good mental break from school and gives them more time to spend with family and friends. 

Emily Clark, sophomore, is looking forward to the upcoming days off. ¨I’m really excited about the days off. I also feel like school has been hectic lately so a couple days off throughout the week is really nice,¨ said Clark. 

Will Haddle, junior, agrees with Clark. “Towards the end of the quarter, a lot of assignments are given and it all gets piled up so those days off are helpful to catch up,” said Haddle. 

Ethan Dombek, junior, said, ¨The days off in November are good because I’m tired and need extra sleep so those days I sleep in late. Spending time with family and friends during the holidays is fun too.¨

Leesville students greatly appreciate the days off in November. It is a great way for students to reset their mind and take a mental break from school. 

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