Holiday Trends of my Leesville Instagram Followers

December is the time for everyone to come together to celebrate various holidays. Since Leesville is full of different people and cultures, students and staff are bound to have different holiday traditions to discover. (Photo used by permission of pxhere)

Leesville with a diverse group of students and staff members. We all have different holiday traditions and celebrate different holidays. 

I asked my followers on Instagram some questions about holiday traditions they would participate in this month.  Here are the conclusions.

54 people responded with these statistics:

  • 14% decorate their homes before Thanksgiving, 2% on Thanksgiving day, 38% the day after Thanksgiving, and 45% from late November to early December
  • 19% have ham with their holiday celebrations, 17% have turkey, 44% have both, and 19% have neither ham nor turkey
  • 38% wake up early on Christmas and 63% do not wake up early 
  • 62% open a present on Christmas Eve and 38% do not open a present on Christmas Eve
  • 28% keep the same meal they had for Thanksgiving that they do with their holiday celebrations, and 72% do not have the same meal
  • 15% eat their holiday dinners from 11:00 am-3:00 pm, 65% eat their dinners from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm, and 20% eat their holiday dinners from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm

I reached out to some people who have traditions that are in the minority of my followers.

Cassidy Farrell, a sophomore, voted for decorating her home before Thanksgiving. 

“My family really loves Christmas and decorating so we generally decorate about a week before Thanksgiving,” Farrell typed over text. “They always decorate early for holidays and Christmas is definitely not an option.”

Grayson Trout, another sophomore, voted for opening a present on Christmas Eve.

“My mom did it with her parents so it’s a traditional thing,” Trout typed over text. “The one present in Christmas pajamas just makes the day more festive.”

Lastly, Cam Dinkenor, sophomore, shared what his family eats for their holiday dinner since he voted his family eats neither ham nor turkey.

“We have beef tenderloin instead of ham and turkey,” Dinkenor said over Facetime. “We have turkey throughout the year though, we’re just not a ham family.”

“I personally would like to have a ham; my family does not.”

Every family celebrates differently, and it is always nice to learn someone else’s traditions and the little things that make us different.


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