LRHS Book Club Goes Virtual


After months of quarantine, the book club members have read multiple books. Now they have to choose which one they would like to share during their first meeting. (Photo courtesy of Cassidy Farrell)

For the first time, the LRHS book club has decided to make their meetings virtual in light of the coronavirus guidelines.

Last school year, the club would meet to discuss what book each member had read since their last meeting. The members also used a bingo card to track the different kinds of books they read, which was going to be used for prizes that members could win. Unfortunately, no one figured out what those prizes were supposed to be when the school shut down. Now, the club has decided to continue this year virtually with multiple changes.

The most significant change is that the club will now be meeting over Google Meet instead of the library. These meetings will be announced on both the Remind and Google Classroom for the book club. 

According to Bari Elliot, a senior at LRHS and the book club president, there will also be a new website implemented. The purpose of this website will be “to put book and library related events and more book recommendations”, said Bari Elliot over text.

Fortunately, that seems to be all that is changing for the book club. Most of the club’s activities and practices will stay the same. The bingo cards will still be used, except now in a digital format. Prizes will also be given out, just as it was planned to happen last year.

This sudden change from in-person to virtual brought mixed feelings for multiple people. “All I really want to do is get back to in-person learning. It’s so uncomfortable to be cooped up in my home for this long,” said Elliot. “My main concern is that it will be harder to acquire new members once we begin clubs again this month,”(Elliot). 

Despite this, Elliot is determined to draw in more members. “If you enjoy reading, this club is the club for you!” said Elliot.

No one knows what exactly is going to happen when the book club goes back this month. But we do know that a new adventure will begin on September 16 at 12:30 pm, when the first book club meeting takes place.


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