What Will Instagram Look Like in 10 Years?

The Instagram login page that allows the world access to advanced social media. (photo courtesy of Asis Johnson).

Instagram is a popular social media platform, created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, sold to Facebook in 2012. Most recently,  instagram has added features that allow you to automatically schedule instagram posts, filters to prevent bullying, shop off of posts, IGTV, Insta Stories and much more.

The popular social media platform has been around for seven years and has improved and for some people, worsened in many ways. “I like the polls and how you can like and dislike people’s comments. I don’t like the face filters… it’s like they just copied snapchat, you know,” says Zoë Bennett–a sophomore at Leesville Road High School.

Ads on Instagram have increased by 28% since the second half of 2017, according to a Sprout Social article. Many websites have introduced targeted ads.  Instagram has used what you do on instagram, to find ads that are relevant to you personally. The form of advertisement that Instagram uses has been proven to be more engaging to people. As the years go by and Instagram gains even more popularity, the amount of advertisement on the app will be unbearable.  “I feel as though its [ad interruptions] very, very disrupting… I feel like there should be less ads, they’re just annoying,” says Maame Dadson–a sophomore at Leesville Road High.

There is a lot of power that goes into a group of people that capture the world in real time through their phones. Instagram is already compatible for laptops, which will soon turn into Apple Watches, and televisions. Imagine in 10 years, Instagram has the potential to project photos as holograms.

As phones begin to improve so will the applications that are available. Holograms are three-dimensional images that are created by the interference of a light source; if a strong enough light source  is available to cell phones or other electronics, Instagram would be able to code the application to be able to project photos off of the light source to create a hologram.

The hologram could go a long ways. Instagram has the potential to become better than ever in the upcoming years, if they were to advance the technology the application would not lose its popularity as predicted. A hologram feature would become a huge advancement to people’s ability to capture photos in real time. “If Instagram was able to project photos as a hologram it would change the entire social media platform. Holograms are a new technology that hasn’t been tapped into all the way and it would me astonishing to see instagram pull that off,” says Destiny Gatewood (via text)—a sophomore at Leesville Road High.


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