Freshmen React to Their First Week of High School

Two of the interviewees in front of the freshmen class display, located in Leesville Road High. Left to right: Alix Wilson, Trinity Cash. (photo courtesy of Asis Johnson)

The transition to high school is a different experience for all students. Some middle schoolers transition to high school with a breeze, and others may have a harder time adjusting.

Andrew Stepanian–a freshman at Leesville Road High School–has never been to a public school before. He attended the Envision Science Academy before arriving at Leesville. Stepanian had an easy transition to high school because he prepared himself for the new environment. “I created good habits in middle school, so therefore in high school I had those, and I kept them well, and I maintained good habits to perform well,” said Stepanian.

Stepanian received guidance from people who have experience in public school/high school, which also helped with his smooth transition. “The first week was awesome — I’m loving it so far,” said Stepanian.

The welcoming feeling that Leesville has given some freshmen, helped them adjust to the new environment. “I think Leesville is a great school, and I think all the teachers and everyone is friendly, so I have adjusted very well,” said Alix Wilson–a freshman at Leesville High. Wilson agrees with Stepanian, with the idea that there was a fluid transition from middle school to high school when she said, “It’s definitely been easy, there are some things that are different from middle school, but overall it’s [high school] been pretty good.”

There are more freedoms in high school, but along with the freedoms come more responsibilities. “Well, there’s more homework of course and the schedule is a lot different,” said Trinity Cash–a freshman at Leesville High. Adjusting to the new workload and class schedule can make or break the transition to high school.

Cash, however, concluded that her personal transition to high school was easy going with the help from family, “Well, I have family here, so that made it really easy, so if I had like a question about the school or something, I could just ask my brother,” said Cash, whose older brother is a senior.

Every student  has a different view on the transition from middle school to high school; whether the transition is smooth or a strife is up to how it is approached.


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