Loonies gain pride with summer jobs

Sydney O’Brien, Leesville senior, serves italian ice at Sunset Slush. Working at Sunset Slush over the summer has helped her manage her time and gain responsibility.

With teenagers wanting more independence and more money in their pockets, many have started to work. Summer jobs are a great way for teenagers to do something productive with their time and also gain some responsibility.

Sydney O’Brien, Leesville senior, serves italian ice at Sunset Slush. Working at Sunset Slush over the summer has helped her manage her time and gain responsibility.

Sydney O’Brien, senior, worked at Sunset Slush and Greystone Pool over the summer. As a lifeguard, she had duties such as going on the stand, cleaning bathrooms, and picking up trash. Despite the repetitive work, O’Brien enjoyed lifeguarding.
“All of the people I work with make it fun,” said O’Brien.

Not only did she have fun, O’Brien also gained a sense of independence from working.

“Working definitely helped me manage my time and budget myself since I pay for gas and clothes,” said O’Brien. Melissa Goto, a senior who worked as a swim coach at Seven Oaks, agrees.

“Working really helped me manage my time and keep busy, especially with all of my school work,” said Goto.

Both O’Brien and Goto think it is important for other teenagers to get jobs, because as they approach college it is good to already have some sort of accountability. Having a job forces teenagers to manage their money correctly, pay taxes, and get to work on time. Not only that, but colleges often look to see that teenagers have done something productive with their summers.

“Having a job teaches responsibility, time management, and how to be create your own schedule,” said O’Brien.

For Goto, being a swim coach was more to her than just an extracurricular to put on her resume for college.

“I want to be a teacher so [being a swim coach] helped me work with kids and get that experience, said Goto.

Michael Dill, a junior, worked at Zaxby’s over the summer. Despite having to pay taxes, Dill still enjoyed the rewards that came from working.

“I established a budget, and I made some bank, so it’s all good,” Dill said with a laugh. “Having a job helps you with senior expenses, like yearbooks and [class] rings.”

While many teenagers would rather spend their summer watching TV, others have found productive ways to spend their time by getting summer jobs.


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