Pollen coats Leesville; students complain

Pollen coats the cars of many of the vehicles in the student parking lot. Many students are anticipating rain to wash away Raleigh’s yellow coating.
Pollen coats the cars of many of the vehicles in the student parking lot. Many students are anticipating rain to wash away Raleigh’s yellow coating.

There comes a time every year when clouds of yellow smoke fill the sky. These billowing pillars of flower dust coat cars, irritate eyes and bother North Carolinians annually.

Pollen contains microgametophytes of seed plants which produce flower sperm. These little grains of pollen fly around in the air looking for the pistil of a female plant. Once they find a compatible pistil, they infiltrate the female flower, fertilizing it.

Large amounts of pollen indicate an environment prime for plant growing. As pollen.com indicates the pollen conditions in Raleigh as high, we can expect lush greenergy and flowers in the upcoming months.

The thin nature of pollen makes it easily ingested, causing irritation to the sensitive nasal cavities of humans. The red and itchy eyes that come during spring can also be explained by pollen’s thin, powdery form. Allergy caused by pollen is referred to as “Hay Fever,” which seems a more dramatic way to say “the sniffles.”

“The pollen literally drives me crazy,” complained Elena Bravo-Taylor, senior. “It covers everything, and I can never breathe anymore. I love spring, but I hate the pollen that comes with it.”

While many students freely complain about the yellowish green smog outside, pollen verifies that we are one step closer to summer vacation.


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