Tik Tok Shop

A new online store has opened within the TikTok app. Leesville students have shared their opinion about the shop. (Photo from LinkedIn)

TikTok Shop is a retail store within the TikTok app that enables brands to display products for users to discover and purchase. 

After months of testing, the online store opened on September 12, 2024. Since its opening, TikTok Shop has been known for its coupons and cheap prices. 

TikTok users can purchase products as cheap as $0.50. This is to ensure that TikTok Shop will be able to compete against other online retail stores.

Considering that TikTok Shop prices are so low, TikTok users question if the shop is legit.

Considering TikTok is dominated by teenagers, plenty of Leesville students have purchased from the newly opened shop. Cadhla O’Dwyer, sophomore, said, “…my whole bathroom is sponsored by TikTok Shop.”

The condition of the TikTok Shop items most likely depends on what you purchase. O’Dwyer said, “The quality is honestly great.”

Meanwhile, Nic Fanelli, sophomore, said, “The quality was alright. Ya’ know, it definitely could’ve been better.”

Later, Fanelli said,“The price was amazing, $2.00 for some slippers!.” stating that although the quality was mediocre, the low price made up for it.

Contrary to popular belief, the shipping is relatively quick. “My order only took around a week. It was a lot faster than I was expecting,” said O’Dwyer.

Since basic products are getting more expensive, TikTok Shop is a good solution. People can buy low to high-quality items at a low cost. “You can’t ask for much better,” said Fanelli.

If you do decide to try TikTok Shop, remember to take advantage of the free coupons and cheap pricing. 


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