Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Kaur

When Ms. Kaur was younger, her sister influenced her towards teaching. “I think it was a combination of I have always loved teaching when I was a kid, my sister and I would play school, and I would teach her things and play in the library and catalog all of the books,” said Ms. Kaur. 

Ms. Kaur’s desire to be a teacher was beyond just having a sister that she could play with, it was also because “some amazing teachers back in high school that pushed me to like history and engage with other people,” said Kaur.

She attended the University of Boston and majored in business law, but then switched to education. Along with a bachelor’s degree in education, she received her teaching license at the university.

While it may seem like Ms. Kaur was destined to be a teacher, she did not realize this until later in life. “Honestly, it wasn’t something that was planned and while I was in business school I was taking an education class that changed my perspective and kept an open mind to what education is. and working with other people who loved learning made me want to be a teacher,” said Kaur.

At Leesville, Ms. Kaur teaches Religions and World Cultures, American History, and World History. 

Ms. Kaur has a bubbly personality among her students. Her teaching techniques create an engaging environment for her students to learn.

“In an ideal classroom, I would want kids that care about learning or generally want to be there. I love having a positive atmosphere because when you are in school you need to do the work but have fun while doing it,” said Kaur.

Some of her teaching methods include guided notes, group projects, presentations, guest speakers, seminars, simulations, and more.

“She [Ms. Kaur] makes teaching a very fun format to where she keeps us very focused and diligent about our work, but at the same time, she adds the fun factor of school doesn’t have to be so boring, and you can learn different things,” said Zara Desai, junior. 

Ms. Kaur’s classroom layout is designed to be a comfortable and welcoming environment for her students. The walls are full of movie posters, international photos, historical figures, and a variety of colors. In the corner of the room, students can find the relaxation area which has bean bag chairs and pillows. Next to the corner is her student resource cart full of feminine products, snacks, and whatever needs a student may have.

(Photo courtesy of Andrew Miller)

“Ms. Kaur is a lifesaver for having her resource cart because there have been times when I needed a product, and she was able to help me,” said Claudia Wright, junior.

Ms. Kaur strives to help guide her students to success not only in academics but in the real world.

“I love every student, and I want my students to walk out of my classroom knowing that I want them to succeed and feel supported in the classroom to give y’all real skills to use outside of the high school classroom,” said Kaur. 

On top of being a teacher, she is also the advisor for several clubs including the Asian American Student Union, Senior Class Council, and Sophomore Class Council.

Outside of Leesville, she is a member of the Duke Tip TA for a mock trial club.

Ms. Kaur connects to all her students individually and loves to get to know her students. Conversations with her can be just about anything, especially entertaining ones.

“I talk to Ms. Kaur a lot about the most random things, so I would just say any conversation with her is a surprise, there is always something to do and a different element to the conversation. And she is very fun to talk to,” said Desai.

Although Ms. Kaur may be known as a highly-liked teacher at Leesville, she wants to grow to become an even better one.

“I want to continue to collaborate with other people and receive student feedback so continuing to do that and try to find more fun ways to engage with my students instead of standing in front of the room giving lectures but just finding ways for students to engage with the material that’s more theme centered instead of me centered,” said Kaur.

While Ms. Kaur may be new to teaching, as this is only her third year doing so, she has been excellent and will continue to have an impact on her students’ lives.

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