Before the students, we see the janitors, mopping, cleaning around, or opening doors for the early students. This Janitor mops the front entry in preparation for the day.
One student walked in from the student parking lot and headed to her class.

A group of boys stand near the doors talking, and later you will see the group grow as more of their friends arrive. Similarly, a group of friends join to talk in the bottom right.
A friend holds the door for the next, talking and smiling over his shoulder.

As it gets closer to the bell ringing around 7:10, more students flood as more buses arrive. Other students sit on the floor or lean against walls talking to their friends.
A guy smiles, he wears a golden Adidas sweatshirt, and for some reason only has one crutch. He doesn’t lean on it, and it seems to be only for show. The two girls in the back start filming a TikTok dance.

Students talk and walk to class together, this is after the first bell has rung.
In the bottom left, shock ensues. A girl flips her head around, making her hair spread out, while her friend covers her mouth in shock.

One of my favorite photos, just because it is so funny. Banks a staff writer on our Newspaper team, seen in the bottom right corner, waves up at me as he spots me. Additionally, a guy that I don’t know poses for the camera in the middle left, and holds up two fours with his hands. Students filter in and out the back doors. this is around 7:22 a.m.

Bonus: our own Newspaper teacher, Mr. Broer, walking to get his mail with his Stanley water bottle.
after the late bell has rung, the admin and assistant principals take their leave back to their offices to begin their day. The few last students trudge to their classes.

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