Gilmore Girls has a fall vibe

Gilmore Girls is a TV show from the early 2000s which remains popular among teenagers today. It is about a mother and daughter who live in a small town. (Photo courtesy of public domain)

Gilmore Girls is a popular show watched by teenagers, specifically girls, including Leesville students who enjoy the entertainment through the characters and storyline. 

The show focuses on, Lorelai Gilmore, the mom, and, Rory Gilmore, her daughter, who are each other’s best friends. Together, they live in Connecticut in a small close-knit town, where Lorelai runs an inn and Rory attends Yale. 

¨The 7 season show takes you through every aspect of life, from heartbreak to falling in love, from taking your first steps to going to your dream college, or from trying to find your role and career to running your own business,¨ said Amanda Leggett, junior.

As the weather turns colder many more people begin to turn on Gilmore Girls.

Most watchers would argue that Gilmore Girls has an autumn ¨vibe¨ to it. Because of this, many high schoolers and young adults begin to rewatch the show every year during the fall and into the winter months. 

Miliana Santiago, senior, said, ¨The small-town feel of Stars Hollow, the coffee addictions, and local inns throughout the show make it a perfect fall staple.¨

Another Gilmore Girl fan, Ava Neuheimer, junior, said, ¨it´s all around a comfort fall show, everything down to the music, scenery, and the way they dress. All the episodes have such a calming, homey vibe.¨

Many viewers may also argue that Gilmore Girls is a comfort show. A comfort show is seen as a show that allows someone to escape from the hardships of reality and find joy within a given film. 

¨It provides you with a heartwarming, wholesome, non-drama-filled entertainment,¨ said Leggett.

Gilmore Girls has remained a popular show throughout the years and now, with the colder weather many people begin to revisit this all-time favorite. 


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