Students Take on A and B Lunch

    Ellie Bixler, senior and her boyfriend, Andrew Yourch, enjoyed their lunch during the nice weather earlier this week. They chose a nicer sit down restaurant, Vivace Raleigh, since she only has two classes and B lunch, so she does not have to rush back to school. (Photo Permission of Andrew Yourch)

    After releasing a poll on The Mycenaean Instagram page, the results showed that A and B lunch are both equally liked by Leesville students.

    “I like A lunch over B lunch as I feel like it splits my day into two. The big downside, however, is the restaurant options that early in the day,” said Davis Walker, senior.

    Meanwhile, Ellie Bixler, senior, prefers B lunch. “I personally prefer B lunch because I am able to get all of my classes out of the way and be home at noon,” said Bixler. 

    Although A lunch has fewer food options because of the time of lunch, popular places include McDonald’s, Publix, Subway,  and Bojangles. Some people find it weird to eat foods like pizza and chicken tenders at 10:30 AM, but on the bright side, they are never that busy considering they are just opening up for the day. With the amount of time we have, these restaurants are fast and convenient.

    There are downsides and upsides to both lunches.


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