School Board Candidate

Jacob Arthur

Jacob Arthur is one of two Republican candidates for the Wake County school board district 7.

Arthur wants to maximize the use of the money in the school board budget for students and better teacher pay. “We see budgets that are not in the best interests of students and fail to adequately support our teachers,” said Arthur.

Arthur also wants to provide students and parents with the peace of mind that their kids are going to a safe environment to learn and broaden their relationships. “A school system that is safe for our students, teachers, and administration,” said Arthur

Arthur is mainly focused on better education for students and empowering students and teachers.  “A system where teachers are supported in their mission to provide the highest quality education in the nation,” said Arthur.

“Together, we can once again be a public school system that is the envy of a nation,”  said Arthur.  

Katie Long 

Katie Long is another one of the Republican candidates for the Wake County school board district 7. 

Long wants to improve our school system to meet “today’s challenges.”

Long wishes for input from not only other board members but from parents of students in the Wake County Public School System.

“I will work with fellow board members along with parental involvement, shifting our focus to helping our children achieve academic proficiency, providing transparency in academic achievement reporting, and improving how resources are spent,” said Long.

Long wants to see future and present students succeed by providing “the highest quality education possible.”

Long believes in a better education for the students of wake county and wants to have transparency in the way students are taught and money is spent. 

Chris Heagarty

Chris Heagarty is the only Democratic candidate running for the Wake County school board district 7.

Chris Heagarty aims to continue to raise teacher pay, build new schools, and keep kids safe. “I’ve served four years and have a solid record of increasing pay for teachers and staff, building new schools in our area, and keeping kids safe and healthy,” said Heagarty.

Heagarty also wants to continue to get education back to normal for students who took online school into a more traditional way of learning and also help the prevention of bullying and harassment. 

 “I am running to continue our work accelerating academic recovery from time lost to the pandemic, recruiting and retaining great teachers, and protecting all children from intolerance and harassment,” said Heagarty

Heagarty is also a parent of Wake County students which helps because he knows more about some of the issues going on in Wake County Public Schools.

 “I am a parent of Wake County Public School students and have helped parents navigate the school system bureaucracy to solve local problems. I work collaboratively with the community, including our county commissioners, law enforcement, pediatricians and local health officials and others to ensure the best environment for our school children,” said Heagarty.

The Wake County school board Is excited to elect a new candidate for the school board.

On the ballot, the candidate’s political party is not shown, but on their websites, it will show their political party.

Make sure you vote for who you want to be elected on November 8, 2022.

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