NCMA Art in Bloom

An arrangement from the 2018 Art in Bloom exhibit. The floral designer interpreted the painting in the background, using similar colors to create a complimentary piece. (Photo Courtesy of Ellie Thompson)
By: Ellie Thompson


On June 3-6 and 10-13, the North Carolina Museum of Art will hold their annual Art in Bloom exhibit.

Due to the pandemic, the museum was unable to host the exhibit last year. This year, though, it is back in full swing.

Art in Bloom transforms the art gallery into a vibrant garden of flowers. You can find around 50 floral arrangements throughout the exhibit. Each unique floral arrangement pairs with an art piece in the gallery as the floral designers interpret works of art. Whether by matching colors and tones or mimicking shapes, the flowers complement the art perfectly.

Tickets, available on the NCMA site, cost $20 for nonmembers. 

Additionally, various events will occur throughout the two weekends. From floral demonstrations with artists who created arrangements to floral watercolor classes, the museum is engaging the community and allowing everyone to partake in the sensory experience.

For those more cautious concerning COVID-19, NCMA is providing virtual tour options as well. They offer a FREE virtual docent tour at two time slots — you must register for these on their website. (Thursday, June 10 at 1 p.m., Friday, June 11 at 1 p.m.)

You can find frequently asked questions concerning COVID-19 protocols and ticketing here.

For art lovers and nature enthusiasts alike, Art in Bloom is an essential beginning of summer experience.


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