Women in America Are Very Fortunate


As you can see in the picture, women in America are very happy people. They are given everything they need to lead successful lives. (Photo Courtesy of iStock by Getty Images) 

Life in America is so much better for women than men. While both women and men undoubtedly have many struggles, women have advantages men can only dream of, so they should keep these things in mind when complaining about any obstacles.


First, women get to spend so much more than men: necessary feminine products and things like cosmetics, clothing, and other products — which many women feel they must have to feel confident and happy — are just a few reasons. There is so much joy in buying all these things with your hard-earned money, especially when you would rather not but feel like you have to because of societal standards. 

There is another fun factor women in America get handed to them when shopping called the “pink tax.” While this is not a literal tax, it is an unseen cost many do not know about. The idea behind this is that women shop more than men, and so their items are higher priced than men’s products. According to a 2015 study products market towards girls cost an average of 7% more — manufacturers use pink or purple packaging and sweet scents to target women, and then make them pay more for items that are essentially the same as men’s. 

Women actually like having to pay this little bit of extra money if it means they can get the colored and scented products that suit them. “When I heard of the ‘pink tax’ I honestly just thought, well that means manufacturers care more about giving women what they want, which made me happy,” said Mariah Elizabeth, a freshman at Leesville Road High School. 


It also can take a lot of time and energy to look good, not just for women themselves but also for the people around them. Women love people-pleasing — it is a challenge women happily accept to find outfits that are cute but not too cute as to attract unwanted attention, or to put on just enough makeup as to cover any “imperfections” but not too much so that people will call her “fake.”

A teacher says a girl should cover up her tank top in school? No problem, she will get a sweater right away, even if it is hot outside. Or if someone comments on a girl not shaving her legs in the summer, she will shave them! 

“I was told that my clothes were too tight and I would have to lose some weight before I could wear them,” said one sophomore girl at Leesville. “I thanked the guy for the constructive criticism and changed as soon as I could.” 

“A boy in my class said I was too loud and assertive, so I stopped speaking in class discussions to make him and others more comfortable,” said Lisa Stephens, a junior at Leesville. Women will also change their actions, whether that means becoming quieter or smiling more, or any number of other things, and will welcome that change. 

Not only are women making men happier when they change the way they look and act, but they also may be complying with the advice of other girls. Women are very supportive when it comes to telling others if they are doing the right things, and if not will be sure to correct them — the saying “women support women” rings true. 

Other Benefits:

Feeling unsafe is a thrill in life women often get to experience better than men. 

For example, Andrea Lasten detailed her routine for when she walks to her car at night. “I have my car keys between my fingers and pepper spray in my purse, and sometimes I will also call my parents to talk while I’m walking. When I get to my car I glance under my car and in the back seats through the window to make sure no one is there. Then, once I get in my car I try to just drive away immediately.” 

To some, this might seem like a negative ritual, but it just goes to show how women get to learn survival skills and how to protect themselves better than men might.

The issue of the gender-pay gap is also still relevant. Women make 82% of what men earn, have a harder time paying loans, and even receive less in Social Security. This could discourage some women, but really 82% is pretty close to 100% so it is okay! Receiving less just allows for girls to work harder throughout their life and become stronger than men, so getting paid less is really just another benefit to being a woman in America.

These are just a few of the many ways society supports women. While America has many issues, treating women well and fairly is definitely not one of them.


  1. Thanks, Gretchen. I’ll be using this with my classes as an example of sarcasm in student writing.


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