Holiday Cheer? Or Dispair?


Pandemic during Christmas? LRHS students give their own opinions on the changes this holiday season. (Photo courtesy of Chase Dutton)

With the holidays and Christmas rounding the corner, the Leesville community and its high school students have  different varying opinions on this year’s Covid-19 Christmas.

For all LRHS students, this will be the first Christmas spent during a worldwide pandemic, and because of this, many aren’t feeling as jolly as usual. 

Lauren Weiner, LRHS student, feels that the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic have caused this holiday season to be less exciting as usual. “I think that since the pandemic has caused such gloom over the world, it’s hard to celebrate and enjoy the holidays to the fullest”, said Weiner via text message. 

She believes the holidays are supposed to bring joy and happiness to communities, yet because the pandemic the mood is very dull. “I just don’t feel like it’s even December or Christmas time, it all just feels very odd. I walk around and see fewer lights strung up and hotter weather in December and think to myself how weird and different this holiday season feels.”.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, people are in somewhat of a slump. The mood is grey, and people are tired of sitting around and doing nothing. People seek change, and more than ever this year do people want to spice things up and create a more joyful environment. “People are going out of their way to put up more lights and embrace the Christmas spirit, although even with all of the trees, lights, and other things, I still don’t entirely feel the holiday joy”, wrote Weiner. 

People are hyping up and going out of their way to make this Christmas season feel normal as it once was. The pandemic truly changed how life progresses, and for some people it is hard to accept. “I’m trying to accept that this might be how things are now because of the pandemic, and even though I don’t want to, I know that things won’t be the same and that I just have to get over it”, wrote Weiner.

For Weiner, spending quality time with her family during the holidays is routine, but unable to this year because of the circumstances of the pandemic.“Spending Christmas with my family and my extended family has always been a part of our Christmas, and now because of the pandemic, we aren’t able to go places or spend the holidays with them (family)”, wrote Weiner. 

Lara Batca, LRHS student, also feels the same way about the Covid-19 Christmas season. Like Weiner, she is frustrated and unsatisfied with the restrictions on travel, for she is also unable to travel and see her extended family this Christmas. “I’m honestly sad about it, it’s really depressing almost to break tradition and change the way you celebrate Christmas”, said Batca via text message. Without a doubt she feels that this holiday season is too hyped up. She believes that lights and Christmas songs can’t mask the deadly pandemic.“Who would’ve known that we would be where we are today, in a pandemic during Christmas. If you had told me that last Christmas I would’ve said you’re crazy”, wrote Batca.

Although this holiday season is quite different from the rest, the nation is adapting to celebrate the holidays to the best of their abilities. No matter the circumstances, the Christmas spirit is covered with masks and social distancing.


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