Leesville Road High School volleyball is back in season. Many changes had to be made to fit COVID protocols but athletes and coaches are staying safe. (Photo Courtesy: Public domain)
This past week, Leesville Road High School held their yearly volleyball team tryouts. Many precautions and modifications were made to meet COVID-19 regulations. School volleyball season usually starts over the summer and continues through October. This year the season was postponed and shortened.
Instead of all girls trying out on the same day and at the same time, players were divided into pods. Each pod consisted of about 10 girls who had signed up for the tryout. Pod one would try out Wednesday and Monday, pod two on Thursday and Tuesday, and pod three on Friday. The limited number of players in the gym at once allowed for social distancing guidelines.
Before being eligible to try out, players had to complete a COVID-19 screening sheet to make sure they did not present any symptoms. On the day of tryouts, girls were required to bring this sheet along with getting their temperature checked at the door before entering.
When girls were not actively participating in a drill, masks were mandatory. Players were given their own areas to keep their bags and to take off their masks during water breaks. These areas were marked by X’s spaced six feet apart on the floor.
Volleyball is the first indoor sport to start tryouts/practicing again. It is very important for players and coaches to stay safe because if someone catches a case all sports at Leesville would have to shut down. Coaches and the athletic directors are hoping to keep everyone safe while keeping students playing the sport they love.
Hi! My name is Amelia and I am a staff writer for The Mycenaean. I also play club volleyball and enjoy spending my free time with friends and family.
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