A Soldier’s point of view on Trump

John Domby poses at Officer Candidate School in Fort Benning, Florida on May 9, 2018. Domby soon to be inducted into the school waiting outside with other second lieutenant ranks. (Photo used by permission of John Domby)

Under the control of the president, the armed forces of the United States is directed and managed by the commander-in-chief. All military branches of the United States remain under authority to the executive branch of government, in which they are given the ability to strengthen the military branches. Throughout the Trump administration and Donald Trump’s presidency, the armed forces have strengthened tremendously. 

Throughout Trump’s presidency, many citizens have mixed opinions of his actions and thoughts.

Citizens’ opinions of the Trump administration are commonly heard. However many United States military service members are left without a voice to be heard. Opinions of the government are often limited to those of the armed forces, rarely do active service members speak their opinion of government.

John Domby (25), serves the United States Army Corps for more than two years as a second lieutenant (2LT). As a 2LT, Domby receives training in multiple forts across the United States. 

Currently stationed at Fort Carson, Colorado, Domby undergoes training procedures throughout the Rocky Mountains. “Trump’s administration has sought to ramp up the overall strength of our armed forces,” said Domby in an interview via text message, giving examples of increasing the number of personnel and introduce a new branch of military, named the Space Force. 

Domby believes that Trump’s presidency has established a solid form of the armed forces. 

Domby expressed his loyalty and trust to the government by replying, “My opinion is fully on my own and does not reflect the view of the Army or Armed Services, nor is it endorsed by them. However, when it comes to offering opinions on negative outcomes, I can only say that I fully support those appointed over me and believe in their decision making abilities.”

The recent announcement that President Trump issued to cut military pay and move more than $3.5 billion dollars in military funding to build his border wall between Mexico and the United States, leaves the public believing this could contribute to the downfall of the United States military strength. The issued cut could cause a decrease in military personnel, causing a loss of soldiers and officers. Despite the issues, Domby plans to remain in the military, seeking his first lieutenant rank soon.


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