Early graduates depart Leesville

At Leesville Road High School, students have the opportunity to graduate early if desired. Many students take advantage of the opportunity for various reasons. (Photo used with permission of Nashia Ferrell)

For most high school students, June 13 of 2019 will be a day for rejoicing, but for some that day came sooner. Friday, December 14 was the last official day of high school for many students here at Leesville Road High School.

December 17, early graduate students going straight into college were able to take early exams. Another set of early graduate students that needed to earn all possible credits towards walking the stage will finish school in January, before the new semester begins for regular students.

Students who graduated early were given more opportunities, whether their reason being to attend early college, start their athletic career for college, or simply take a break until college.Most early graduates finishing in December start college classes in January. Other students graduating in January after the first semester finishes are continuing to college in the fall of next year.

When considering early graduation, most students take into consideration the colleges they’re planning to attend. Some colleges pay attention to  students that graduate early or drop classes for their senior year, others accept the credits you may earn if you choose to graduate early and enroll into courses for the spring semester.

Most students interested in jumping straight into college courses attend community college if they decide to graduate early. When looking to start college early, most students here at Leesville enroll in Wake Tech Community college until the fall semester. Wake Tech Community College is also a great college for all around students who would like to save money.

Leesville Road High School student Nashia Ferrell was one of the many students participating in early graduation to start college courses in January. She will be attending Wake Tech Community College until the fall to finish her general education classes before attending an university.

Ferrell plans to graduate early to begin her major in engineering. She has to have a certain amount of hours before she can transfer over to a university. “Graduating early will be a huge benefit to me because I’ll be ahead of everyone in my major by two years,” said Ferrell.

With college coming so soon for Ferrell, she is extremely nervous but also excited. Graduating early and attending a community college allows Ferrell to have more free time then a regularly enrolled students. “ I’m going to have more time meaning, I am going to challenge myself with working two jobs,” said Ferrell.

As in insider looking in, graduating early to begin college courses could potentially look like a set back. For many high school students attending a university as soon as possible is top priority, but for Ferrell getting her credits quickly is priority. “Before transfering to a university, I have to have 24 credits with my major, so the earliest I can attend one would be in 2020,” said Ferrell.

Either way, the opportunity of graduating early that Leesville provides for its student is a great way to get ahead of your peers in your major. Leesville also provides early graduation opportunities to not only seniors, but juniors with all their credits as well. For more information about graduating early, see your assigned counselor or visit the student administration office here at Leesville.


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