Not just a “Pisa” Cake

As if the number of tests for students to take isn’t high enough, they now have the academic “opportunity” to take another one.

The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test is an optional assessment for students that are 15 years of age. This assessment is used by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to compare countries based off of their pupils’ scholastic performance.

The key word here is “optional”. Students don’t have to take the PISA, but since the test only comes around every three years it’s highly suggested that all who are of age should participate.

But what is the PISA used for? How is it beneficial? Well, as stated earlier, the test is used to compare 65 countries that make up 90% of the world’s economy on an academic level. OECD uses this test, especially the math portions, to help predict the economic health of a country in the future.

If this test truly is a bona fide indicator of the a country’s future economy, then the United States isn’t very healthy. the last test given in 2013 showed the United States around the 50th percentile on all three sections of the test. What makes this percentage interesting is that the US has more “socio-economically advantaged” students, supposedly giving them an upper hand in this international competition.

This two-hour testing “extravaganza” will take place later this year. For those students who want to get a head start on helping to make the United States an example for the rest of the world, you can find example tests here.

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