Pride Launch Familiarizes Freshmen

New students start Pride Launch off by mingling in the cafeteria. Meeting new people gives freshmen more confidence on the first day
New students start Pride Launch off by mingling in the cafeteria. Meeting new people gives freshmen more confidence on the first day

For freshmen, the first week of school causes emotions ranging from anticipation to complete and utter terror. To describe his first impression of high school, Jordan Hayes, a freshman, used one word: big.

In order to make freshmen comfortable with the new school, Leesville holds its annual Pride Launch, an organized get together for all students new to Leesville. The intent is to make the school more friendly and familiar, giving the new students more confidence on the first day. However it might not be as effective as everyone finds it to be.

Ashlyn Nani, a freshmen, said that her best memory of Pride Launch was the tours.

Tours are the most important part of Pride Launch.They provide the new students with opportunities to find their classes and learn a little bit about the school, minimizing their chance of getting lost on the first day.

Another fear about the first day is lunch and who to sit with. The cafeteria can be intimidating for any new student coming to Leesville. Pride Launch provides the opportunity for the freshmen to socialize and make new friends.

“I met some girls [at Pride Launch] that I sit with at lunch now,” said Nani.

Nevada Moreno, another freshman, said that she didn’t interact as much with any of the new students. And Hayes agreed, saying that he met no one new.

Hopefully, in the future, Pride Launch can develop in order to provide more of a neutral ground in which the students may meet new people. Otherwise, the event provides a great opportunity for new students to learn about their classes so that they come into school on the first day with a bit more confidence.


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