St. Baldrick’s fights cancer with a razor

Tyler Scheviak shows off his new hairdo around the school. This is his fourth year doing St. Baldrick’s.

I took an evening out of my time this past weekend to go bald for cancer. This month marks the annual St. Baldrick’s charity fundraiser.

St. Baldrick’s is an organization known nationwide for its approach at raising cancer awareness. Its participants shave their heads completely no matter how long and lush it is.

“I had a few inches of hair before St. Baldrick’s,” said Tyler Scheviak, sophomore. “Afterwards, it feels really weird and different but its nothing compared to the pain of the kids with cancer.”

Every year, the St. Baldrick’s Organization raises millions through its hundreds of thousands of shavees. The money goes to fund cancer research around the world.

Shavees collect pledges throughout February. These pledges promise money in return for a clearly-shaven head.

The organization hosts events at pubs and locations around the nation. Downtown Raleigh taverns, Hibernian and Napper Tandy’s, were the most popular in the Triangle.

The events will continue into the next few weeks before some students begin to grow for next year’s show.

“I hope to not shave or get any trims until next year,” said Carter Hering, sophomore. “I look forward to the possibilities each year brings and the opportunities to advance cancer research.”

One response to “St. Baldrick’s fights cancer with a razor”

  1. Thank you! Too many times teens are not recognized for how wonderful they are.

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