Sport Medicine travels to conference in Chapel Hill


Second year sports medicine traveled to a conference at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on Saturday, February 25.

“It was a great experience, and I definitely learned a lot throughout the day,” said Brian Sell, senior and Sports Medicine III student. “I also got to see an athletic training program in a college environment.”

The conference started at 10 and lasted until 4. The morning session consisted of sports medicine related games, such as Jeopardy and Minute To Win It, where different groups competed to win candy and bragging rights.

Lauren Kohan, junior and Sports Medicine II student, said, “Leesville dominated. We practically doubled most teams scores in the jeopardy game. It made me see how good of a program we have here at Leesville.”

Following lunch, the groups walked around the UNC sports medicine facilities. Students got to see training rooms and research areas. They also participated in a rehabilitation workout. But the highlight of most peoples’ day was the cadaver lab.

“Seeing a dead body was so cool. It made all of these things click in my head. We could actually see the muscles, bones, tendons, etc. instead of just seeing them on a piece of paper or model,” said Sell.

Kohan agreed. “I did not know how I would react to seeing a dead body. It wasn’t exactly what I was expecting, but it was so interesting. I wanted to stay there a lot longer.”

This conference gave students an opportunity to experience what sorts of medicine fields they can go into when they reach college. In addition, through lectures and hands on labs, students received new, practical knowledge that they can put to use when helping Leesville’s athletes.



  1. Thank you Ms. Pridgen for doing all you do for these kids. You are such an inspiration and role mode. Amazingly fantabulous. Great teachers produce great students!!! Way to go Sports Med!


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