Leesville students save lives

Mrs. Caudill, a CTE instructor at Leesville Road High School, takes time out of her day to donate blood to the Red Cross and save lives.

The Red Cross arrived at Leesville Road High School on Wednesday, May 7 to conduct the biannual school blood drive in the main gym. As always, participants were provided with snacks, refreshments, T-shirts, and a myriad of stickers.

Grace Dorman, junior and a Student Coordinator for the blood drive, gave blood for her first time last year. “Since I donated before, I really wanted to help people going through this process,” said Dorman, when asked why she applied for her position.

In order for a student to become a Student Coordinator, they must have donated last year. People who donated and have leadership potential are invited to a meeting and then asked to write a letter explaining why he or she wants the position. “It’s another way to give back besides donating. [Being Student Coordinator] looks really good on college applications, and it’s a fun way to volunteer,” commented Dorman.

Dorman will hold the position of Student Coordinator until she graduates as a senior. “Leading up to the blood drive we made a Facebook page and a Twitter,” says Dorman. “We did a lot more advertising than we did for the blood drive in the fall. Also, we wrote passes [for participants] and helped with the registration process.

Students who participate in the blood drive first must wait in a row of chairs before their name is called for them to donate blood. Poptarts and bottles of water are handed out to donors. “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5 played soothingly throughout the gymnasium. When students hear their name called, they sit in the chairs where they will donate blood and then may proceed to the refreshment area. Faculty, students and Red Cross workers alike all bustle around to make sure the blood drive runs smoothly.

“The first time I donated, I didn’t eat and I almost passed out,” remarked Lauren Wessel, senior, as she waited to give blood. Anna Foley, senior, agreed. “Drinking and eating definitely help you feel better as you give blood. Also, the more you drink, the faster you’ll donate.” These two participants were calm as they waited. “The Red Cross helped me when I was little and needed a blood donation, so I like to give back,” commented Foley.

The next Leesville blood drive will take place in the Fall semester of the 2013 school year.



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