Capital Pride shines at the Kennedy Center

Capital Pride bonded as one big family during this trip to DC. They were able to do some sightseeing and perform at the Kennedy Center.
Capital Pride bonded as one big family during this trip to DC. They were able to do some sightseeing and perform at the Kennedy Center.

Flashmobbing. Visiting historical monuments. Singing in front of a huge audience. These are all things that Leesville’s own Capital Pride were able to do when they took their trip to Washington, DC.

At 7:30 in the morning on February 18, Capital Pride loaded the bus to go to DC. They ate at the Old Post Office, a huge food court, upon arrival. Next, they went to the old Ford Theatre and heard the story of Lincoln’s assassination.

After a long thirty minute walk (because the bus was caught in traffic), they reached their hotel. They had rehearsals twice a day until February 20th, the day of the performance.

At Arlington Cemetery, the group preformed “For the Fallen.” Michael Rowe and Noel Hilyer laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The group sang their main piece, “The Gloria” by Rutter and their other pieces at the Kennedy Center. The conductor of the performance was composer Andre Thomas.

Along with singing at the Kennedy Center, the group sang impromptu at restaurants where they ate, at Arlington National Cemetery, and inside the Lincoln Memorial.

“We ‘flash mobbed’ everywhere,” said Amanda Duckett, a junior in Capital Pride. “We just decided to start singing at random places. My favorite was when we were at Pentagon Mall– most of us were spread out and we just started singing and then came together as a group. People were recording us.”

Capital Pride also ‘flash mobbed’ at the Lincoln Memorial on President’s Day. They sang “For the Fallen.”

“This was one of my favorite moments of the entire trip,” said Gabe Ingram, a senior. “The acoustics were really great and people were amazed with how we sounded.”

The group was constantly busy during the trip. They woke up at 7 a.m. and didn’t get back to the hotel until 11 p.m. on the days they were there. Regardless of this, they still represented Leesville well and were able to have fun.

“The trip was absolutely awesome,” said Mrs. Covington, the Capital Pride teacher. “I am so proud of this group. They were so professional, respectful, and responsible during the entire trip.”



  1. Leesville Pride shines again. People will be talking about what an amazing group of people you are for a long, long time. And what a memory to last forever. Thank you for honoring our fallen soldiers. God Bless all of you!


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