On Monday September 19, 2011, students drove into the parking lot to find a wooden sign from the Class of 2011 that read, “Welcome to Leesville Road High School.” Underneath the heading the sign read, “Gift of the Class of 2011.”
Michelle Park, the 2010-2011 senior class president, worked with last year’s senior class council to brainstorm options for the senior class gift.
The original idea for the sign was to have a digital display and write announcements and upcoming events for students to see as they drive in to the parking lot. Unfortunately the class of 2011 ran out of funds, and the digital design was not an option.
Whether or not this is because of a poor planning or a lack of funds is irrelevant. The bottom line is, the class of 2011 disappointed current students.
The placement of the sign was very strategic as well. There was no sign to welcome students as they pulled in to school or individuals driving in for sporting events.
Signs By Tomorrow is a sign company in downtown Raleigh which constructed the sign.
Mrs. Amerson, English teacher, was a huge part in the creation of the sign. Amerson said, “The seniors were talking with Mr. Lyons and the sign was the best idea.”
The sign was modeled to match the sign at the entrance of Hamilton Stadium. The two signs favor each other, and they pull the campus together quite nicely.
Will Bennett, class of 2010-11 alum, is satisfied by his class’s representation on Leesville’s campus. “I feel like the sign accurately portrays the attitude of our class,” said Bennett. He especially likes the quote on the back that reads, “Begin with the end in mind.”
The quote is a tribute to Mr. Murphy, Leesville’s Principal from 1993-2004. Murphy’s wise words–borrowed from Stephen Covey–have stuck with students and inspired them to persevere through the hardship of high school.
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