The Creative Writing Club met on Wednesday, Sept 6, after school in room 240. It is the first time there has ever been a creative writing club at Leesville, and the students who attended the meeting are expecting to gain a lot.
Anna Buico and Courtney Sigers, both tenth graders, hope the new club will improve their writing abilities.
“I want to be more open-minded about writing and become a better writer,” said Sigers.
Bucio agrees with Sigers.
“I am hoping to expand my overall writing abilities. I hope to finish a book I started a few years ago, and maybe this club will help,” said Anna Buico.
Marco Fajardo and Chrysoula Georgiou, both juniors, formed the club.
“I started the club to have a creative outlet for other students. I want people to experience creative writing but not have to take the class,” said Fajardo.
The meeting seemed disorganized at first, but then progressed into ironing out the wrinkles of the club. The purpose of the Creative Writing Club was debated- should it be a place to read, write and share, or be more similar to a class and have a lot of instruction?
Some members of the club wanted to meet weekly, while some wanted to meet only once or twice a month. Several ideas of how to communicate were tossed around: whether to use Facebook, email, or Blogspot, until Fajardo and Georgiou decided to use a wiki.
The founders of the club also decided to meet monthly, on the second Tuesday of every month. The main purpose of the club is still to improve each other’s writing.
“I feel like everyone is ready to come together and give good feedback,” said Fajardo.
Fajardo wants to become a better writer by partaking in the club.
“I want to gain constructive criticism for my writing. I also want to grow in my writing and read interesting stuff,” said Fajardo.
The members of the club believe that the club will expand into a great, safe place for writing.
“This seems to be a good place to share and get feedback from other people who have the same interest and passion,” said Buico.
The club has great potential and the members seem very excited to improve their writing. While it took a while for the members to decide when to meet and how to communicate, they main focus of the club is to expand the members’ writing abilities.
The next meeting is Oct. 11 in RM 240.
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