How do students feel about their grades now that interims are out?

Interims went out last week, and parents received an email telling them to check PowerSchool, while students with grades under a 70 in a certain class will have a printed report with missing assignments, and possible instructions of how to raise the grade — if the teacher decides to give said instructions.

Some students check PowerSchool on a more regular basis though and have different feelings about their grades.

“I have strong feelings about my grades and feel that they are very important in my success,” said Carter Yu, senior.

Students have had a whole semester to work on making the best grade possible in all their classes.

“When my grades are good, it is normally because I lock in and focus and make sure to study ahead of time and complete assignments correctly,” said Yu.

Sometimes, distractions or other issues can cause grades to start slipping down. This could be due to a lack of studying, spending too much time on your phone, or just by zoning out during class.

“There are a couple classes I took where I got a borderline grade at an 89 and felt that if I studied just a little bit harder for some tests I would have gotten the A in the class,” said Yu. “It’s  normally because of distractions like social media and sports.”

Athletes are required to keep their grades up if they want to stay associated with their team. For student drivers, there is also the fact that the NC DMV requires students to be passing a majority of their classes to retain their licenses.

Keeping up grades is one of the most important things for students to do, and with the semester wrapping up quickly, it’s crunch time to get grades on the ups.

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