What is the LRHS Literary Magazine?

The Crescendo, better known as the LRHS Literary Magazine, is an afterschool club dedicated to promoting student creativity through writing and art. The Crescendo has been publishing since 2015.  

“I love that it gives students a chance to express themselves in ways that they really wouldn’t previously, and I love that it connects people around a love of creating and making art and writing,” said Alejandra Jones, senior. 

Jones has been part of the magazine since her freshman year of high school and has been the Editor in Chief for the last two years. 

“I have overseen the literary magazine since 2016. We started with a creative writing club here at LRHS…before I started at Leesville where there was no literary magazine [for some time], so part of my goal was to reinstate literary magazine,” said Sarah White, staff. 

White promoted and ran the magazine through the COVID-19 pandemic, including putting together the magazine’s website and organizing virtual meetings for the staff. 

Today, the magazine is mostly student-led. “[My job is] overseeing the other editors, and like trying to make changes that I think progress the magazine forward and just sort of push us to be better,” said Jones.

Unlike classes such as Newspaper and Yearbook, the Literary Magazine remains a club. “It’s definitely a lot more freeform, there’s a lot more freedom in that, so it’s a lot less pressure,” said Jones. 

The magazine staff doesn’t have to submit pieces of their own. “We encourage it, but you don’t have to submit pieces in the same way you might for Newspaper, it’s more so we just edit students pieces and we try and encourage people to submit” said Jones. 

The Crescendo is always looking for new pieces to publish on their website. Find them online at https://lrhsliterarymagazine.weebly.com/.

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