Leesville students enjoying fall activities and school events! (Photo courtesy of Sophie Key)
As the school year begins some students are eager to come back, but for others the idea of returning to structured days fills them with dread. If this sounds like you, here are three things you can look forward to this fall!
- Homecoming and Spirit week
Leesvilles homecoming game will take place Friday, October 4 at 7 p.m. Come dressed in your kelly green and bring you school spirit. This is also a great social event if you are looking to engage with more of your peers outside of the classroom.
Along with the game on Friday, during school all students get to skip classes at the end of the day and watch the pep-rally!
The week leading up to the big game we will have a spirit week where students and teachers have a chance to dress up. The more creative you get the more fun it should be!
Abby Coughlign, junior and executive council historian, said, “Homecoming is what I look forward to every year though because we get to see our many hours finally pay off and enjoy the fun week with our friends!”
Executive council is hard at work planning all of the festivities!
- Fall atmosphere and activities
As a new season approaches, tons of new activities are available! Grab a friend and trade in your pool day for a trip to the pumpkin patch!
When asked what her favorite thing about fall Katelyn Mitchell, junior said, “wearing a cozy outfit like a sweater and some jeans and getting coffee and reading. Since I like reading a lot it’s extra atmospheric in the fall time. Nothing beats coffee, a sweater and a book.”
You could also check Starbucks and try all their seasonal drinks. There are haunted houses, hiking trails, or carving pumpkins. Then before we know it, it will be Halloween!
- Friends
Returning to school also means reconnecting with friends you did not see over the summer.
Chloe Cragg, junior said, “It’s really good to be back to school because with everyone on trips over the summer, I didn’t get to see people, so it’s nice to be back together with all my friends.”
The beginning of the year is also a great time to meet new people because everyone is trying to put themselves out there and find where they fit in our school!
Leesville has no shortcomings when it comes to clubs, sports and arts. You will have no problems finding a friend who enjoys the same things as you.
School is an opportunity for new beginnings and a fresh start. It’s important to plan things you will look forward to, and start off in the right mindset. Soon enough the year will be gone and summer will begin again!

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