High school football games often have energetic student sections packed with fans cheering for their teams. But is it all worth it in the end? (Photo courtesy of Elena Faddoul)

Are High School Football games “overrated”?

Many students enjoy the atmosphere of the football games and the student section but end up going home with no voice, sweaty, and overall drained. 

The students go all out, dressed in the weekly theme with face paint and props.

Upperclassmen tend to take the themes and cheering more seriously while the underclassmen tend to do less. 

“I love the feeling of being at a football game, it brings out a whole new side of you. I think that football games are not overrated,” said senior, Kira Kaprelian.

However, the energy and heat in some parts of the game can be overwhelming for newer students. 

Most of the time the crowd’s volume is overpowering, with chanting, screaming, and clapping. And while the student section may have moments of adrenaline and happiness, it also comes with sweat, heat, and smell. 

At Leesville Road High School student bleacher section is insanely small for the amount of people who show up.Many students complain about lack of space and being squished. 

“Every time I get to a football game it is packed! I try my best to fit in but there are always so many people and such little room, I find them to be way overrated,” said sophomore, Eva Wilson.

The serious problem of the student section hype, is that it takes away from the athletes themselves. 

“I feel like the football games are looked at as more of a social outing and less of an actual sport to watch. For that reason I’d say, they are overrated. It is sad but I do my best to pay attention when I can,” said Noah Fitzsimons, junior.

While they spend many hours training and practicing to represent their school, students quickly become lost in the energy of the student section, sometimes not even paying attention at all.

What do you think, are football games overrated?

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