Where are students going for spring break? 

Spring break is just around the corner. Students are very excited to use this time as they please! (Photo Courtesy of Haley Lamme)

Spring break for Leesville students will be here before they know it! Students will get out of school on March 22, 2024, and come back to school on April 1, 2024. 

Plans are forming, calendars are being marked and the excitement is coming. 

In a poll by the LRHS News Instagram students were asked if they are going to the beach, mountains, staying at home, or other. 54% of students selected that they were going to the beach for spring break. 

“For my senior year spring break, I’m going to Corolla Beach in the Outer Banks and renting out a huge house with me and about 45 other friends and I’m super excited. It is going to be a great time,” said Carter Levy, senior. 

23% of students are staying home for spring break. Students staying home are looking forward to catching up on sleep, spending time with family and friends, working, and volunteering. 

“For spring break, I am staying home, so I can get some extra volunteer hours in, knock out some appointments like getting my haircut, and a dentist appointment, and one day I will go to the beach with a couple of friends for a day trip,” said Nadia Ferjani, junior at Leesville. 

From the poll, the remaining 14% of students reported that they are doing something other than going to the beach, mountains, or staying at home. 

Students reported that they are going to Universal Studios, college tours, the lake, Brazil, Los Angeles, working, NYC, playing sports, or going out of the country. 

“I’ll be going to Cancun, Mexico for spring break with some of my friends. I’m excited to travel to a new place with some of my best friends before we leave for college,” said Cooper Epps, senior. 

Spring break is a very valuable time for students to get their minds off of school, have a good time, and focus on family and friends! Leesville High School wishes students a fun-filled break! 



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