Students at Leesville are prideful in the safety of their crosswalks. There have been zero counts of speeding through neighborhoods, running stop signs, or almost running over pedestrians.  Walking to school is a form of exercise, but also a fast way to get to school, especially for people who live close enough to the school…

The Safety of walking to Leesville’s campus

Students at Leesville are prideful in the safety of their crosswalks. There have been zero counts of speeding through neighborhoods, running stop signs, or almost running over pedestrians. 

Walking to school is a form of exercise, but also a fast way to get to school, especially for people who live close enough to the school that walking is faster than driving.

While walking to school students often see parents, teachers, and students alike stopping at all of the stop signs and never moving while on the crosswalk.

“When I get to the crosswalk directly in front of Leesville, I always stop and wait to make sure that the pedestrians are safely across the street and that there is no chance of me accidentally hitting or hurting a student who is just trying to cross the road on their way to school,” said Jennifer Taylor, a parent of a Leesville student.

Many of the students commonly gawk at how even the new and inexperienced drivers still manage to follow all of the rules of the road. 

“I can’t believe that they all stop and let me cross the road. I really think that it is because of all of the parents who are following the rules of the road and setting a good example for the rest of the students,” said Josh Taylor, a sophomore at Leesville.

This didn’t just happen in one day — it took time and effort to get all of the drivers to follow the rules of the road. 

At one point, Leesville Road High School had to get a crossing guard just like the middle or elementary school to make sure that people were following the rules of the road. 

Everyone started to follow the rules so well Leesville thought that they didn’t need a crossing guard, and they were right: They got rid of the crossing guard, and everybody continued to follow the rules on their own. 

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