How to Prepare for Exam Week

Sometimes it's helpful to have a change of scenery when studying, especially if a student lives in a house with a lot of other family members. Going to a quiet cafe or library such as NoRa can help students focus on studying and feel more motivated. (Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons)

Exam week at Leesville Road High School is starting January 17. 

Having to study for multiple tests at once can be challenging. Thankfully during the week of exams, students only have to go to school on the days they have exams, as well as January 16 for a regular school day. This leaves students with a lot of time to prepare. 

But figuring out how to start studying for exams might be overwhelming. Luckily, most classes are divided into units and teachers will post study guides for each unit as the semester progresses.

Mrs. Batten, AP US Government and AP Psychology teacher, said, “Throughout the year students get resources to look back on to prepare for tests and the final exam. I always prepare a review sheet for the final exam which has questions that are very similar to the exam that students can use as well.” 

It’s important to start studying early because students will have to review an entire semester’s worth of information which can take time. Most classes at Leesville Road High School have around 9-12 units, so starting soon gives students enough time to study one unit every day and have remaining time to review the information in total.

There are many different ways to study for exams, through watching videos on YouTube, rereading and writing notes, or using study tools such as Quizlet or Khan Academy.

According to a questionnaire posted on the @lrhsnews Instagram account, 9% of students who responded chose videos as their favorite way to study for exams, 27% chose notes, 40% chose Quizlet, and 24% chose “all of the above.”

“I like Quizlet a lot because it has multiple tools I can use, like flashcards and practice tests. I think it’s the best to memorize information, especially in shorter amounts of time,” said Angie Mejia, junior. 

Studying can be overwhelming but starting early and using these materials can help make it an easier process. 


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