Book Column Two: Wrong Place Wrong Time

The front and back of the book are filled with red and brown to symbolize the violence and mystery in the story. Faintly in the background, you can see an analog clock representing how Jen is going back in time. (Created by Abigail Crawford)

Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister is a Reese’s Book Club pick of 2022 for August. Reese Witherspoon knows her stuff with her sticker on the cover of the book is bound to be a good book because this book was entertaining and like nothing I’ve read before. 

Overview: McAllister wrote this book about a mom named Jen and how her son murdered a crime leader. She wakes up every day farther and farther in the past as she tries to figure out what went wrong and why her son stabbed this man. 

Rating: 4/5 stars. This book was great, although, warning, it might not be everyone’s favorite book as it is sort of a reversed murder mystery. The plot line is very easy to follow and clear. It truly shows the depth of emotion a mother can feel to protect her child and her love for her husband. 

As you already know who murdered who, it isn’t necessarily about finding who was responsible but more about why the characters did what they did and understanding that when Jen’s son murders someone his reasoning. This book highlights that humans are not always what they seem and that no one is inherently evil or good. This book isn’t the best I’ve read, but it is good. 

Additionally, you can’t re-read this book because you already know the ending. I also didn’t end up overly attached to the characters to convince me to read it again. For that reason only 4 out of 5 stars.

Spoilers: I know that for murder mysteries spoiling the ending is so tempting. I’m here to tell you PLEASE DON’T. The ending of the book is fantastic, and to experience the book fully you have to know nothing, that is the only way to enjoy the book. If you know the ending of the book you won’t have the luxury of having a blank slate of the characters to see who they are, therefore defeating the purpose of the book: to show the secrets one can hide and how far someone will go to protect those they love. 

If you know why it won’t be worth reading and for that point I will not spoil the ending but give you a hint–Ryan is important and Kelly is not the bad guy.


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