Ms. Moenning: from Texas to Raleigh

Although she just started teaching at Leesville two years ago, Christin Moenning known as Mrs.Moenning encourages and pushes her students to their fullest potential, so they can be successful while also bringing in a factor of fun to teaching.


Ms. Moenning grew up in the Texas area and attended high school just outside of Houston. 

She attended college at Texas A&M University. After graduating, she earned her master’s degree at North Carolina State University.

“I went to high school and college in Texas. I went to high school near Houston in a town called Sugarland and I went to college at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, then I got my masters at State — go Pack!,” said Moenning.

Her first job was a Disney Princess at Disney World as soon as she left college.

“I’ve had a lot of jobs. My first job out of college was working at Disney World, so I have always loved performing in the arts, theatre, dancing, singing and all of that stuff.  I also worked at a non-profit and have a passion for community outreach and stuff like that,” said Moenning.

Her first major was theater but changed paths to pursue a new dream of hers: teaching. She earned her masters degree in teaching which brought her to Leesville to teach both AP Psychology and Holocaust and Genocide.

“I majored in theatre for my undergrad, then I took a big break, and then went back to get my masters in teaching,” said Moenning.

Current Teaching:

After earning her masters degree at NC State, she started looking for schools within the Raleigh area and found that Leesville fit her teaching style.

“Leesville is my very first school that I’ve ever taught at, but I love it, so I don’t want to go to any other school.”

In her first year, she taught American History. Currently, she teaches Holocaust and Genocide, but her most favorable subject that she teaches is AP Psychology. 

“I prefer Psych and choose it to be my favorite subject that I teach because I always found psychology super fascinating and trying to understand why people are the way that they are and all the different theories and how really the field has developed and find it deeply fascinating,” said Moenning.

Her favorite part of teaching students is that she can grow her connection with each individual student and pass her love of  learning onto her students.

“I love learning by myself, and I want to pass that love along to my students. I’m also super extroverted and a people person. I just love getting to know students. That’s my favorite part of the job.”

Student View:

Many of her students love her energy and appreciate she engages and cares about each individual student. 

Jack Broush, senior, is taking Holocaust and Genocide and said that Ms. Moenning is one of his favorite teachers.

“I really like the way she teaches, and she is currently one of my favorite teachers because she is very engaging and energetic. This aspect of her stands out to me the most because it helps me learn in a fun way but also a way so I can learn and retain the information she teaches me,” said Broush.

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