PSAT is Around the Corner

PSAT registration is now closed on September 11, 2023. The test is highly recommended for juniors but is not required. 

Testing sessions will be held the week of October 9. The test is offered to ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders.

**If you are a junior with a GPA of 4.375 or higher the costs will be covered, everyone else testing must pay a $15.30 registration fee.**

The PSAT is a standardized test which measures skills that are key to a student’s academic success in college. Most students are nervous for the reading comprehension and math, which take up almost all of the test taking time. 

So, why should students take the PSAT?

The PSAT can serve as a dress rehearsal and help students prepare for the real thing. 

Varun Medikonda, sophomore, said, “I want to take it so I can be more prepared to take the SAT in my 12th grade of highschool. I want to get into good colleges, which means I need to do good on the SAT.” 

Students familiarize themself with the questions and formatting of the test in order to know what’s to come when SAT test day rolls around. PSAT scores come back relatively fast which can help students to study for sections they need to improve on for next time. 

Kate Daly, junior, “I want to get a good enough score to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship and be able to go to a really good college.” 

Eleventh graders taking the PSAT are automatically considered for the National Merit Scholarship. Winners receive $2500 and can apply for special scholarships depending on the college.

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