Leesville Wrestling 2022-2023

December 21 2022 wrestling match against Broughton and Sanderson. Leesville won (Photo courtesy of Meonna Sloan)

Leesville Road Wrestling has had a good season so far with a record of 25-5. 

The wrestling team goes to meets during the week and tournaments on the weekends. For meets, they compete as a team to earn points to win against other teams, so they can go to states. During tournaments, they compete individually and earn points so they can participate in the state individual tournament.

 “We had tournaments where we got done at 11:30 at night, and we got there at 9 in the morning,” said Jason Wyss, the LRHS wrestling coach who has been coaching for 23 years.

Some wrestlers cut weight, so that they are on the top of their weight class. For example Jakub Radziwanowski, senior, was wrestling 220 when he was 208 and he didn’t want to be the lightest weight in his weight class. So, he had cut 12 pounds to be in the 197 weight class and be the heaviest of his weight class.

“[Wrestlers cut or lose] weight because they are probably between two weight classes so to help the team or to give themself a better chance as in a individual they may lose 2 to 3 pounds through the course of the season or maybe a week just to get down to that weight class,” said Wyss.

The captains this year are Joshua McDonold, Elijah Tillery-Mallory, and Brian Kolble. “I get to lead everyone and help out with the coach,” said Joshua McDonald, senior, who has been wrestling for 4 years.

“Usually [we practice] in the mornings on Friday. On Mondays, we have morning and afternoon and everyday of the week in the afternoon,” said Radziwanowski.

This year is different from last year’s season because Covid was more of a big deal than it is this year. “Last year’s season was a completely different environment and there weren’t as many people in the room,” said Radziwanowski.

Even though it is a new season, the team enjoys spending time together.  “We have a good bond, and we hang out everyday,” said McDonald.



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