Bring Back Asynchronous Days

It is no secret that the pandemic COVID-19 disrupted learning in school systems across America. 

During the 2020 and 2021 school years, during asynchronous learning days, Wake County gives them the opportunity to go to school for one week and stay out for 2 virtually. 

In the middle of the week, there was a remote learning day called asynchronous days. On asynchronous days, students were given the opportunity to make up assignments and complete further learning on their own.

Clara Davis, a sophomore at Leesville, believes in the importance of asynchronous days. “They would be beneficial as it relates to the importance of sleep in adolescents. I mean we are supposed to get 8-10 hours of sleep, but I don’t think that happens for anyone, at least anyone that does their homework,” said Davis.

Daniel Yoo, a sophomore at Leesville, also feels as if asynchronous days are beneficial. “Asynchronous days give us a day for extra studying and to catch up on work. It is a pain in the butt getting home and having after school activities and having to study and do homework,” said Yoo

Cole Lanford, a junior at Leesville, also believes that asynchronous days benefit students. “Yes I like asynchronous days because it gives us time to catch up on work and things we have fallen behind on,” said Lanford.

Mr. Argao, a science teacher at Leesville, thinks that asynchronous days didn’t benefit anyone. “It’s the same thing as assigning reading, some kids did it some kids didn’t… if I assigned it I still had to go over it when they got back because they had questions about the reading… it was just more work for me,” said Argao.

For students, asynchronous days are helpful to get caught up on work and study but, for teachers, asynchronous days create more work and stress.

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