Beatrix LeBeau is an aspiring young woman looking for opportunity in the expansive world of “The Far, Far, Range”, a planet inhabited by several species of cute extraterrestrial slimes. Through Beatrix, the player explores the planet, collects slimes and raises a profit to become a successful slime rancher, and makes new discoveries.
Monomi Park released Slime Rancher, and game production has of course improved by then, but Slime Rancher still holds up compared to more recent games. The graphics are great, and while visuals can get somewhat chaotic when the player is attacked by a horde of Feral Slimes, I’ve encountered very few other issues.
My only complaint is the lack of interaction between the player and other human characters. There are several other NPC ranchers that you trade with, and you occasionally receive letters from people, but I’d love to see a conversation feature and possibly even a small ranch town with characters you can meet.
It gets a little lonely with only the slimes to keep you company.
The designs of these characters are almost enough to make up for the limited interactions. They’re fun and simple enough to keep the style of the game consistent with the designs of the slimes and environments. There are several species of slimes you meet throughout the game, each with their own features and personality, as well as unique design. My personal favorites are the Phosphor Slimes, which take on the appearance of chubby fireflies. Overall, the visual elements in the game are fantastic, and their general lack of small details makes for an uncluttered experience.
The game’s map is expansive and varied. That means there’s always new secrets to find and new areas to unlock. This allows for tons of exploration that–along with the main gameplay–keeps the player engaged.
As said in the game’s name, Slime Rancher requires the player to be a rancher. Collecting and caring for slimes, all while collecting resources for profit and expansion of the ranch. The goal is simple, and it’s fairly easy to get the hang of ranch life. There is a short tutorial at the beginning of the game, but you mostly have to adjust for yourself.
Due to the open-ended and relaxed nature of the game, there’s no stress to do well quickly. You can move at your own pace as you play, and the different game difficulty levels allow for all types of gamers.
In order to advance in Slime Rancher, you have to buy upgrades and expand your ranch. Luckily, it’s simple to earn money, even when you’re first starting out the game.
Some people may find a game this laid-back to be boring, but there are lots of risks. There is an expansive sea that causes you to pass out if you try to take a swim; a parasitic slime that can overtake an entire ranch; and feral slimes that are so hangry they attack on sight. I love balance in media, and this game does a fantastic job keeping things cute and peaceful while adding excitement with these obstacles.
Slime Rancher is a charming game that’s perfect for any skill level.
Hi! My name is Kayleigh and I am a staff writer for The Mycenaean. Two fun facts about me are that I want to be a bestselling author and frogs are my favorite animal!
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