First Days Back In Band

Caption: Concert band plays for the first time as a whole. It's been a year since the band has played as a whole in-person. (Photo courtesy of Moses Nyang'ute).

This first week was a full preparation for the year and was meant to see where the band stands.

The first and second day were slow and easy. The band started off with icebreakers and information. Now that everyone is in person, the room was full and the energy was bouncing off of everyone. 

The third day is when instruments were first played.

“It was interesting, I had never been seen the room with its normal set up and with that many people in it, it felt more like actual band than last year did,” said Mya Guerrero, a sophomore, via text message.

When asked about masks, Rachel Campbell, a sophomore, said via text message: “The main issues is that if you are doing partner work you can’t always here them.” 

Campbell then said, “But yeah you can’t always hear them which makes it more difficult to communicate cause you can’t ready their lips either”.

“I’m nervous because if i mess up more people hear it but i’m excited because we actually sound like a band,” said Beaver. Sam Beaver plays Trumpet in the Leeville Concert Band and they are a sophomore.

This first week was full of nervousness and excitement, but no mask can hold back the students’ enthusiasm.


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