Upcoming Spikeball Tournament at Springdale

All high school students may participate in an upcoming spikeball tournament that will take place near the end of the month. Participants may register in teams of 2 for the chance at a cash prize. Photo courtesy of Jannah Said.

There will be a spikeball tournament taking place at the Springdale Recreation Club on May 21 at 9:00 PM.

The tournament is open to all high school students, and teams of two can register to play for $6 per team. The winning duo will win a cash prize pool compiled of the entry fees. 13 teams of 2 are currently registered for the tournament, which may extend over several days depending on the number of participants and length of the games. 

Baylor West, the Leesville senior responsible for organizing, promoting, and hosting the tournament, appreciates the enthusiasm and participation of his friends and classmates. He hopes the tournament will be an opportunity for safe outdoor fun and physical activity.

“I wanted to put together a fun outdoor event for everyone to socialize and have an opportunity to earn some money while being with friends,” said West in an interview via text message.

News of the spikeball tournament has spread by word of mouth, but West’s official Instagram account for the spikeball tournament, @lrhsspikeball , has also drawn attention to the upcoming event. Those interested in joining the tournament can access the registration Google form and view posts with more information. 

West hopes that the tournament can be the first of many outdoor social events for high school students to get active and have fun with friends. 

“I hope there is a good show out and everyone is able to have fun,” said West. “Maybe it can lead to more tournaments such as volleyball or basketball.”


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