Positive COVID-19 case at LRHS

LRHS volleyball teams are ready for their next game with shiny new floors and spaced out seating prepared for players. No spectators will be allowed to view the game in the gym due to COVID-19 procedures. (Photo used by permission of Kyla McGhee.)

On Tuesday, November 17, Mr. Solomon, principal of Leesville Road High School sent out an email to parents stating that “someone associated with our school has tested positive for COVID-19.” The email provided no other details of who contracted the virus, whether a staff member or student athlete.

The person was last on campus on November 12. Leesville is working with the Wake County Public Health Division in order to contact anyone who might’ve been around the individual. Solomon assures that anyone in contact with the person will be notified.

Just this week, LRHS volleyball had their first match against Cardinal Gibbons. There’s no telling whether Coach Hensler and Coach Dobbin will be forced to pause their season after only two practices if the virus has spread among the school.

Solomon’s email was sent the same night as the Wake County Board of Education ruled that high school’s will start the second semester under Plan B.

Plan B consists of three-week rotations between remote learning and in-school learning. This plan was created to limit the number of students in classrooms while still getting them to interact face to face with teachers and peers.

Cases in North Carolina are some of the highest they’ve ever been. Wake County alone has 24,703 cases of COVID-19 alone according to WRAL

People are beginning to compile important products like toilet paper again, fearing another lockdown. Large stores like Walmart are beginning to limit the number of customers in the store once again.

With cases on the rise, students can only hope that COVID-19 stays out of the Leesville community. By continuing to wash hands, wear a mask, and social distance, there’s a better chance that LRHS will be able to stay in Plan B at the beginning of the second semester.

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