Drew Guettler Spotlight

Drew Guettler is an amazing bass clarinet player. Guettler went from struggling on clarinet to becoming a bass clarinet player in the symphonic All-State band. (Photo used by permission of Rob Clarke)

Leesville Road Highschool Marching Symphonic Band has always been known for having a full,amazing sound. For the last four years, the band has a special member with phenomenal talent. 

Drew Guettler a marching drumline member and bass clarinet player.

Drew Guettler attended Martin Middle School where he played clarinet until he realized it was not the instrument for him. He later decided to switch to bass clarinet the instrument for him. After Guettler’s instrument switch, he began auditioning to be apart of  more challenging bands. When Guettler was in 8th grade he auditioned and made multiple honor bands.In that same year Guettler auditioned and made All-County.

All-County is a band for middle schoolers to start their musical journey as a soloist.The students prepare a section of a solo and play eight scales.The students also play their chromatic scale and sight read.  After the huge accomplishment of making All-County, Guetller went a step even further and auditioned for All-District.

All-District is similar to All-County,except more scales are required and the part of the audition solo that will be played in unknown.Guettler hit a roadblock :“During the audition my instrument broke, and so I had to leave the room. I had to go get it fixed and then come back and finish my audition.”Although this unexpected tragedy occured, Guettler still made the band and sat first chair. 

Since then, Drew has made the All-District band every single year, and this year will be his fifth time making the competitive band

Following his older sister, Drew Guettler auditioned and made Leesville Road High School Marching Symphonic band, being one of the six freshmen in the 80 member band. Once it was time to start his freshman year of high school, Guettler came to Leesville to audition and be a part of the national ranked symphonic band. “I didn’t really know anybody because all my friends were in ninth grade band” said Guettler. 

As Guettler grew as a musician, he auditioned for a more competitive band. All-State, is so much more difficult to make because only a selective few musicians are allowed to audition. The musician must be one of the top two players in their district. “ The audition is a lot more stressful” said Guettler. Guettler made the band and sat fourth chair in the band. ”The clinics are a lot of fun, because you get a lot more advanced music that you didn’t think you’d be able to play and then you do and then it just sounds really awesome” said Guettler. Drew has made All-State three years now , and Guettler has been practicing to make it again this year.

”I was so happy when Drew made All-State because I saw how hard he worked and how he went home everyday and practiced,” said Carolina Lipson bass clarinet player in symphonic band. Guettler’s passion for his music and band continues to grow almost everyday.“Drew‘s passion for his instrument or just music in general is more than I’ve seen from any other high school student,” said Lipson.

This February, Drew auditioned to be in the Leesville concert band on alto saxophone. When Guettler is not playing alto saxophone or bass clarinet, he is studying for classes, playing video games, or hanging out with his friends

Guettler’s hard work does not go unseen.“Drew is a really good player, he tries really hard and his sound is really strong and soothing,” said Kayla Crossley, senior and clarinet player.

In and out of class, Guettler is a respected leader. In symphonic band ,Guettler is the business manager making him responsible for collecting money and forms from students. He makes sure all 79 students turn everything on time. When the Captain of the band is not available, Guettler becomes the Captain to make sure the expectations of the band are still being followed. 

If you’d like to hear Guettler play, there is a Christmas concert where Guettler has many featured parts. The Christmas concert takes place on December 6 at Leesville Road High school at 7:00 p.m.

One response to “Drew Guettler Spotlight”

  1. Awesome article, we are so proud of our grandson

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