Workin’ Moms Review

I’m going to be completely honest here. I love The Office, I love Scandal, and I love Orange Is the New Black. My favorite genres of TV range from comedy to drama to a combination of both, because sometimes I love to laugh and sometimes I need a good cry. However, I truly believe I’ve uncovered a show that touches all of my emotions at the same time in the best way possible.

Scrolling through Netflix, I was desperately searching for a new show to binge. It’s easy to rewatch The Office because it’s constantly funny and entertaining, but sometimes it gets a little old. Somehow I stumbled upon Workin’ Moms, and the trailer was enough to catch my eye. Three ladies, all mothers with jobs, scrambled to keep their life in order while simultaneously trying to have a fun time with their friends. I clicked the play button, watched the first episode, and was immediately hooked. 

When I tell you Netflix addiction is real, I mean it wholeheartedly. I watched three full seasons of this show in under a week, and I have no shame about my actions. The pilot episode introduced me to the main characters, three mothers with full-time jobs that are part of a Mommy and Me group. All living in Toronto, Canada, the women navigate curveballs randomly thrown their way while attempting to raise children. Within the first two minutes of the show, I was crying my eyes out with laughter. 

The moms are truly down-to-earth, real people — the show exemplifies this to the fullest extent. Many shows I’ve seen before have tried to dress up and romanticize motherhood and adult life, making it seem easy and fun. I know this is anything but the truth, and Workin’ Moms reaffirmed my belief. Surprise pregnancies, job losses, and cheating husbands throughout the show illustrated that sometimes, life does get in the way and people have to address their issues as best as possible. 

This is the exact encouragement and actuality I needed to see. Life is messy and chaotic more often than not, which is a universal truth. Seeing three strong, determined female figures tackle their own problems helped me to realize the power I hold in my own hands. I know that my future work, family, and friendships will not all go according to plan, but I also know that I have the potential to solve troubles and make good things out of my life. 

Overall, Workin’ Moms was a fabulous show. I laughed, I cried, and ultimately I felt inspired and encouraged. I’d recommend the masterpiece to anyone who wants an upbeat, funny, and interesting sitcom to watch. Props to the creators of the show, I can’t wait for more seasons to come to Netflix.

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