Weston Estate: High Schoolers by Day, Hot New Music Group by Night

The Weston Estate band members at Space Jam hosted by Enloe High School. The performance at Space Jam was the groups first performance. (Photo courtesy of Jannah Said).

Marco Gomez, Manas Panchavati, Abhi Manhass, Tanmay Joshi, Ushno Chakraborty, and Srikar Nanduri are seniors at different Wake County high schools. They spend the day taking quizzes and tests, studying, spending time with friends, and looking forward to the weekend just like most high schoolers.

However, when school is over and work is done, these six teenagers congregate to form Weston Estate— a local musical group that is on the rise.

“We were all best friends in middle school so we all had the same music taste and we knew each other’s talents,” said Panchavati in an interview via text message. “Abhi just up and made a beat one day and asked Tanmay and Srikar to sing over it, they released the song…. then me Marco ushno joined and Weston estate was born.”

The boys started Weston Estate as a fun way to unwind and put their talents into creating something unique. They quickly gained popularity, getting countless hits on songs such as “2 AM” (released just last month) and “Luka!” You can listen to their songs on SoundCloud, Apple Music, and Google Play Music, as well as on Spotify, where they have over 9,000 monthly listeners.

They describe themselves as “an alt-R&B group comprised of six musically-inclined friends.” Although they now attend different high schools (Manas and Ushno attend Enloe, Tanmay goes to Wake Early College, Marco, Srikar, and Abhi go to Raleigh Charter) their friendship has stayed strong and they always find time to work on new music together.

The band, formed a year and a half ago, has released a wide variety of songs, including solos by Gomez, whose stage name is “Marco Luka.”

They are all grateful for the support and enthusiasm they’ve received from friends, family, and fans over the past year and a half.

The boys of Weston Estate are establishing themselves as the triangle’s very own gem. They currently have more music in the works and hope to continue their music career together. For now, they’re happy to have each other and their music to unwind and have fun as they face the everyday problems and pressures of high school seniors. You can follow them on social media and listen to their music on most streaming apps and websites (SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/westonestate, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westonestate/)


  1. These guys just seem to be having fun and could possibly be one of the best new upcoming bands. Possibly the best new sound out. Amazing.


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