Moments from Leesville’s student walkout

On March 14, Leesville students participated in a walkout to honor the victims of the Parkland school shooting and advocate for school safety. Many of the moments from the walkout were captured and posted on The Mycenaean Twitter account.

On March 14 at 9:00 am, hundreds of Leesville students gathered on the football field to participate in a 17 minute walkout honoring the 17 victims of the Parkland shooting and promoting school safety.

Students first gathered in the main lobby at 9:00 am before proceeding as a group to the football stadium.

As students began to gather on the football field, student walkout leaders, including Katherine Magee, senior, led the crowd in chants advocating for an end to school violence.

Magee then began the walkout by addressing the crowd about school violence. Afterwards, more speakers proceeded to speak about the Parkland tragedy and safety in schools.

Somewhere around a couple hundred students watched and listened as organizers of the walkout spoke.

Helena Bunte, a freshman, addressed why she decided to participate in the walkout.

Others, including seniors Kate Fearn and Anne-Marie Cawley, walked out because they think action needs to occur to promote school safety.

Daryn Wilkerson, junior, was glad to see so many Leesville students protesting for change that she thinks is important.

Isabel Daumen, a junior and walkout organizer, explained that she hopes adults and representatives see that students want change.

And after 17 minutes, students filed out of the stadium and back to their second period classes.

Scenes from the walkout show how some Leesville students decided to advocate for an end to gun violence in schools, from holding banners to speaking to the crowd.


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